Cherry pie - meggyes pite
We are in the dead of summer and the time has come to make cherry pies from fresh fruit. This year we were lucky enough to grow 100 kg of sour cherry which is plenty of jam, syrup, pitted fruit, wine and of course PIE. So let's PIE up your life. Végre itt a nyár es vele a meggy szezon is megérkezett. Idén több, mint 100 kg termett belôle a kertünkben, ami rengeteg lekvárt, szörpöt, befôttet es persze PITÉT jelent. Pitére fel! :) 10 minutes to make, 20-30 minutes to bake. :) Ingredients: For the filling 500 g sour cherry (destoned) 20 g brown sugar or honey 3 tablespoons of corn starch 1/2 teaspoon of ground cinnamon For the pie crust (28-30 cm diameter pan) 100 g all-purpose flour 50 g wholemeal flour 30 g walnuts 30 g brown sugar 75 g coconut oil or butter (preferably cold) 1 medium-large egg 1/2-1 tablespoon of cold water Mash the destoned cherry a bit and mix with the other ingredients. Set aside the filling and make the pastry. Place all the dry i...